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BioAdvanced 5-In-1 Weed & Feed (9.6LB)



  • This 9.6LB bag provides coverage for up to 4,000 SQ. FT. It kills lawn weeds. It prevents new weeds. It kills crabgrass. And prevents new crabgrass. Plus, it feeds and greens up to 3 months.

    • Kills tough broadleaf weeds
    • Prevents new broadleaf weeds - up to 6 months
    • Kills large Crabgrass1
    • Prevents new Crabgrass - up to 6 months
    • Greens up to 3 months
    • Use only on established lawns of the following turf types: Fescue, Bermudagrass, Buffalograss, Kentucky Bluegrass, Ryegrass, Seashore Paspalum and Zoysia

    1-Including hairy, smooth and other types of Crabgrass