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Will my HMO allow backyard chickens? | Fort Worth

It's important to check with your homeowners association (HOA) or neighborhood association to determine whether keeping backyard chickens is allowed in your area. In Fort Worth, Texas, the city does not regulate the keeping of backyard chickens, but individual HOA covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs) may prohibit or restrict the keeping of backyard chickens.

To find out whether keeping backyard chickens is allowed in your neighborhood, you can check with your HOA or neighborhood association. You may also want to check with your city or county to see if there are any local ordinances that regulate the keeping of backyard chickens.

It's important to note that even if your HOA or neighborhood association allows the keeping of backyard chickens, you may still need to follow certain rules and regulations. For example, you may be required to keep the coop and yard clean and well-maintained, and you may need to obtain any necessary permits or licenses.

If you're considering keeping backyard chickens in Fort Worth, it's important to do your research and make sure that it's allowed in your area before making any commitments.

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